Friday, March 1, 2013


I'd like to consider myself a pretty strong person.  But today was one of those days that rocked me to my core.  Tears fell at work.  A lot of tears.  

When your intentions are good and your actions are all done for a greater purpose of helping the situation, and it later all comes back to bite you in the bum, sometimes it causes you to question the entire system and the effectiveness of your role.

There is a garage parking attendant who has always been very sweet.  We don't know each other's names, but have developed a friendship over the past year.  He knows not to touch my badge because I'm bacteria-conscious and will drive close enough to swipe it myself.  Some days, I give him fun treats and snacks as I leave the parking garage.  Today all I had for him were the tears streaming down my face- what's the point of censoring your feelings when you have the road ahead and a box of kleenex in the car?  He touched my arm through the booth, and with sympathetic eyes he said, "Bad day?  It'll be ok tomorrow."

A phone call from a friend on the drive home helped.  It was a reminder that there are people who know my heart, my intentions, and that my work is valued.  These are the moments in life where special people, like those specks of sunshine, create a rainbow in your rainy day- reminding you to stay hopeful and keep your chin up.

Rainbows after the rain...

And like the parking attendant said, "It'll be ok tomorrow."  And I trust him.

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