Sunday, April 14, 2013


My sister was the person who first introduced me to the term "wabi-sabi."  She apparently learned about it from my dad, who explained it as "finding the beauty and perfection in imperfection."  I was trying to wrap my head around this concept when she said, "Dad said that pinchpots are 'wabi-sabi' in an artistic expression." 

Ah, pinchpots.

The very first pinchpot that I made- working from one solid piece of clay and 'pinching' it outward to create a bowl. The whole time I had to remind myself that it was supposed to look asymmetrical.
Now I understood.  Wabi-Sabi is a Japanese world view or aesthetic expressing the beauty of things imperfect, impermanent and incomplete.  Each piece has a visual presence of its own and attempts to capture the simplicity and playfulness that are the cornerstone of the aesthetic.  Pinchpots embody the spirit of wabi-sabi because they are meant to be asymmetrical and imperfect, and this is what makes them beautiful.  Wabi-sabi is the reason why a vase with a crack down the center is deemed more unique and valuable than a perfectly shaped pot with no imperfections.  

There have been countless books and articles written about this concept of wabi-sabi in art, poetry, home decoration, and even lifestyle.  But what about in sport?

In triathlon, is it really perfection that we seek?  If I always had "perfect" training days and "perfect" races, the sport in itself would not be as attractive to me.  Even physically, our bodies are imperfect- perhaps we have flat feet, high arches, bum knees, disproportionate hip lengths, back problems or heart issues- but it is by embracing those imperfections and consciously moving forward when beauty is created.

This marked the 10th week of training with GL Coaching.  You'd better believe that I'm no perfect athlete.  But I freaking love the process, the growth- the opportunity that I have to go to That Place in each workout.  That all know...the one where you stand toe to toe- with yourself- and you get curious, you get down, you dig deep, and you get stronger.

Exploring "That Place" with inspiring teammates.
It's not perfection that we seek.  But in the messy times, the struggles- those are the imperfect moments when we become more actualized, and we can truly see ourselves and what we are made of.  We are all pinchpots and our clay medium is triathlon.

Triathlon is comprised of 3 sports, so naturally an athlete will excel predominately in one of the disciplines, and have room for improvement in another.  It has been beautiful to watch the transformation of various squad members as they improve on their weakest link.  No one is "perfect" in all three sports.  It's been inspiring to watch the mental (and physical) improvement of everyone, as we all help each other along.  

It is by navigating through our imperfections when the most beautiful parts of who we are as individuals emerge- and that in itself is artistic expression in its truest form. 

We are not perfect.
And because of that fact, we are even more cherished and beautiful and valued by Someone, and by each other.
Wabi-sabi. Finding perfection in imperfection.
We are wabi-sabi in motion, as athletes.
This is the spirit of our sport.

Explore and embrace the beautiful athlete and individual that you are!

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