Saturday, April 14, 2012

I See the Light...

I suppose everyone encounters "speedbumps" in life and in training.  These past few weeks I felt like I was circling an apartment complex with speedbumps placed strategically every 10 feet.  Physically, I had some setbacks.  Technically, I dealt with a schizophrenic cat-eye wireless cycling computer, a HR monitor that wouldn't sense a HR (even with a hard reset and new batteries), and a dead iPod at the start of a long run, all within a week's time. But, as I remember asking my coach during the cycling component of the Ironman, "Is the nano working?!?" and he replied, "Are YOU working?" the message hit home.  I'm not dead. Or schizophrenic (I think).  And I'm still working.

There have been dark shadows I've had to deal with lately.
But everyone knows that from the shadows, light emerges!  This is the sunrise this morning as I drove to Gilroy.

I celebrated 4/14 by setting my alarm for 4:14am.  No, really.  I was so excited to ride Tierra Bella with Kimi.  Yesterday, I was vacillating back and forth- do I want to ride 100 miles alone for training?  It's not everyday that I can have a fully supported ride for 100 miles... or do I want to catch up with friends for 62 miles? Friends or training miles? Solitude or social life? Lonersville or 62 happy miles? (You can see where this was heading...)

So I was thrilled when my friend Kimi agreed to do the 100 miles with me.  It was the best of both worlds.
Riding besties, pre-ride
Kimi and I are such similar riders, mentally and physically.  I give her a "look" and she knows that I'm going to jump ahead and pass the riders we happen to get caught behind.  When we ride side-by-side, we match in speed and cadence.  It's so awesome to have a riding buddy who can challenge me physically, but who can also girl-talk and gossip.  Like I said before, it's the best of both worlds- training and socializing.

We kept ticking the miles off.  Time flies when you're having fun!
The gorgeous scenery helped to pass the time. No rain!!

Yesterday, Coach told me, "There is no progress without struggle.  Remember Macca's famous words...'If it were easy, everyone would be doing it.'"  This was so timely.  Ironman training is hard.  LIfe is hard.  Sometimes through the strugges, we forget that we are progressing and growing.

I first met Kimi on a 40 mile training ride for the Cinderella Classic a few years ago.  From then, we've ridden four metric centuries, and now two full century rides together.  We've definitely struggled.  I know when she's suffering, and she knows exactly when I'm suffering.  But no matter what, we finish together, always smiling.  Since most of Ironman training has been done solo due to my work schedule, it is such a treat when I'm able to combine solid training and solid socializing.  I feel like I am finally emerging from the shadows of negativity and periods of being unmotivated, and moving into the light.  This is good timing, since the "12-week competitive season" begins in exactly one week.  Giddyup!

But first we need to elevate these legs on the wall for a bit!

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