Sunday, August 12, 2012


I kinda want to stay here.  Like forever.  Today I got an early start to beat the heat.  Apparently, I lost.  I was sweating so much and probably appeared so disheveled that people were probably wondering what half marathon was going on this morning.  Little did they know, I had only run 0.5 miles up Torrey Pines. 

Check out the view!  How could you live here and not want to run this everyday?
I paid $15 for parking, so I wanted a good run for my money.  Literally.  It was gorgeous, but holy hills! I took a trail that dropped me down to the beach where I ran alongside the water for awhile, then climbed back up, only to descend the initial hill I climbed in the beginning. 

Gradual and gorgeous climbs
Another shameless plug for Betty Designs.  

I hit the La Jolla Farmers Market afterwards.  The founder, Sherry Ahern, was my first news shoot that I put together when I worked for KGTV Channel 10.  She created the farmers market to help fund and provide resources for her children's school.  It was such a fun experience working with her, setting up a "mock" farmers market on Wednesday (the day we got camera footage), and coordinating the millions of details that ultimately ended up being 2 quality minutes of airtime.  

Still thriving, even after all these years!

These were adorable!
There's plum and nectarine goodness underneath the star...

The workers at the info booth texted her to see what time she'd come, but unfortunately, I had to leave before she showed up.  She did remember me after 13 years though and via text she congratulated me on my success.  At the time, I remember the kind words she offered up to me as a journalism major wanting to go into the news/media industry.  She made me realize how important it is to foster another's dream, regardless if that dream comes to fruition or not.  She watered my hope.  And I still have the bamboo plant she gave me as a gift from one of the market vendors- it survived almost 6 moves in different cities, and is a tangible reminder of how our souls can flourish wherever there is love and sunshine.

After that, I headed to Oceanside to spend some quality time with Erica, who has equally been a tangible reminder of all things good, and who has helped my soul flourish in the sunny days and in the cloudy rainy days. 

The view from our "bar" area outside.
These suckers were HUGE!
I probably exceeded my RDI (Recommended Daily Intake, for all you non-dietitans) by 2000%

 The world needs more Sherrys and Ericas.  I am lucky and grateful to know them both.

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