Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Pink Triathlete.

In the spirit of keeping this blog about triathlon and having just survived a weekend in Vegas, here goes nothing...

The third hottie from the right is the Pink Triathlete.

Thanks, boys.  I now expect every good-looking man I see from now on to dance for me and rip his shirt off.  My mom asked what shows we saw in Vegas and I think I changed the subject faster than Katy Perry changes boyfriends.

As a fundraiser to fight breast cancer, Clint, aka the "Pink Triathlete" had a monetary goal.  If he reached that goal, he told everyone that he would dye his hair pink.  And of course, he reached that goal (probably in $1 bills), so he performed with pink hair on Friday night.

Most girls got his autograph. Instead, we chatted about his Zipp 808 rear wheel and
 how we both have the same CEP pink compression socks.

The third girl from the right is also a Pink Triathlete.

And that's all I'm going to say about that.  ;)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Mullet training.

A week and a half ago, I had the privilege of swimming long course with UCSD's Masters swim team.  It was a solid 4500 meter workout and serious.  No smiling allowed.  It was an amazingly clear and clean pool, and I shared my lane with a Ryan Lochte look-alike.  He mandated that I lead the lane. I complied because he had awesome abs and just in case he was RL, I wanted to secure an autograph after practice.  The workout was written on a 4-sided huge white board.  We got started right away, and for an hour and a half, the only words we exchanged were breathless within the 5 seconds of rest on the wall- "Last 400, then repeat?" "I'm leaving on the top." "This is the last of the 100s, yeah?"

The water was so clear that you could see the wall 50 meters across underwater.

This was probably one of the most quality and harder swims I've done all year, not only because it was long course and you felt like you were swimming for days until you finally hit the wall to do a flip turn, but because it was all business.  Fast, head down, swim-til-your-arms-fall-off, no-nonsense business.

And just like that, after everyone finished their workout, the pool cleared out in 2 minutes...

(Crickets chirping)  Wait, save some hot water in the showers for me!
After drinking one too many Red Bulls on the drive home, I was super amped up and ready to swim.  I chatted on deck with our coach and told him how different our Masters swim team was from UCSD's.  Our team actually feels like a team.  Yes, we probably swim half the yardage, but we know each other by name, call each other names, know what we all ate for dinner the night before, and who I'm going out with on Friday.  We're like a mini-family. Coach Tom actually coaches us, tells us what interval to leave on and gives me pointers for my stroke technique.  The pool is grosser and the lanes are more crowded, but you really can't beat the camaraderie.  It reminded me of a mullet, in a way....After the "business" swim at UCSD, I was ready for a "party in the back" swim, back at home!  And honestly, this is how I prefer it- getting the work done, but having fun while doing it.  

Back at Club Hot Tub's Masters swim practice.  And yes, this is during the kick set.
But look at how much fun everyone's having!!

Today I got the running business done after work... a hot 10-miler.  No better way to trash your feet on the trails before they are further trashed for 72 hours in heels.  

I did my tempo run in these. (Or at least it sure felt like I did!)

Thought I'd break them in and get them used to the hell they will endure in FMHs for the weekend.  And now....it's time to party, Vegas-style! 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Wheels 'n Heels

Breaking news!  Suri Cruise learned how to ride a bike.  Pretty soon she'll be chick-ing Lance in way cuter cycling kits.  The girl's got style!

At least we won't be in the same age group.

Today I dusted off the TT bike and met Dana for a 50 mile ride.  She recognized a fellow teammate wearing a TriValley Velo kit, and he accompanied us as we rode with no real route; she just had to get 3 hours in the bank for today.  Long course nationals are in one month!  Part of our route included some gorgeous scenery overlooking Livermore wineries.  I took in the beauty of my surroundings, felt the wind on my face, and was just so thankful for moments like these- I am so lucky to be able to do what I love, to be surrounded by amazing people and live a pretty carefree life.  

They say that bike miles are those that you can lose yourself in and also find yourself.  I agree.  There have been plenty of bike miles that I've been able to escape "reality" and empty out my mind and cycle out my stress with each pedal stroke.  Equally, there have been bike miles that have stripped me to my core and have caused me to understand who I am and what I stand for.  Today, I was just merely present, and taking it all in.

Funny thing.  At the end of the ride, it turned out that Dana really didn't know the rider personally, she just was friendly because he rode for TVV!  Oh, what a cycling kit can do for someone.  The nice guy towed us around for 40 miles; I was so close to his wheel that I could smell his laundry detergent.  Poor guy had 2 twin 5-year old girls at home and had a hall pass for only 2 hours.  Hopefully next time the wifey will allow 3 hours of sanity cycling time; his wheel was a pretty steady and speedy wheel to follow!

After taking off my Giro helmet, I put my Maid of Honor helmet on and met Kimi to review the venue sites.

Gazebos always remind of The Sound of Music...
"You are 16, going on 17..."

Where the vows will be exchanged. Where I spotted the froyo man.

While talking about seating arrangements and wedding day timelines and uber-important wedding information, I spotted some guy on the bench eating  froyo.  After that, I was completely distracted like a 3-year old.  Where did he get that?  It's so hot. There has to be a froyo place nearby!  Chair seating arrangements, corsages, guest book, wha??

Kimi was a self-serve froyo virgin.  SERIOUSLY?  And I thought I lived under a rock.  I was a good MOH and showed her the ropes of mixing flavors and trying all 30 toppings.  And you know, all the wedding day diets suggest eating 4 lbs of nonfat froyo rather than 1/2 c. of real ice cream. (I kid, I kid)

Kimi, I'm sorry. Get ready to say adios to half your wedding budget.

The reception is literally 0.2 miles from where the ceremony is held.  But walking 0.2 miles in platform heels feels like 20 miles.  Everyone who knows me well knows that I hate functional fitness.  I'll run 16 miles and yet drive to my mailbox.  My high heels/flat feet conundrum reminded me of this cool video about feet that was shared by my new cyclist buddy from San Diego (thanks, SK!).  How is it that I've never heard of MobilityWOD until now?  Obviously, I must live under a rock.

Tomorrow I'm going for a real run (really early too) with 2 of the most amazing and life-changing people I've ever met.  Turns out they are on this side of the globe for awhile- I'm lucky to be able to see them again in person.  

Has anyone out there who has flat feet or severely overpronates been able to successfully transition to minimalist running?  Thoughts?

Sunday, August 12, 2012


I kinda want to stay here.  Like forever.  Today I got an early start to beat the heat.  Apparently, I lost.  I was sweating so much and probably appeared so disheveled that people were probably wondering what half marathon was going on this morning.  Little did they know, I had only run 0.5 miles up Torrey Pines. 

Check out the view!  How could you live here and not want to run this everyday?
I paid $15 for parking, so I wanted a good run for my money.  Literally.  It was gorgeous, but holy hills! I took a trail that dropped me down to the beach where I ran alongside the water for awhile, then climbed back up, only to descend the initial hill I climbed in the beginning. 

Gradual and gorgeous climbs
Another shameless plug for Betty Designs.  

I hit the La Jolla Farmers Market afterwards.  The founder, Sherry Ahern, was my first news shoot that I put together when I worked for KGTV Channel 10.  She created the farmers market to help fund and provide resources for her children's school.  It was such a fun experience working with her, setting up a "mock" farmers market on Wednesday (the day we got camera footage), and coordinating the millions of details that ultimately ended up being 2 quality minutes of airtime.  

Still thriving, even after all these years!

These were adorable!
There's plum and nectarine goodness underneath the star...

The workers at the info booth texted her to see what time she'd come, but unfortunately, I had to leave before she showed up.  She did remember me after 13 years though and via text she congratulated me on my success.  At the time, I remember the kind words she offered up to me as a journalism major wanting to go into the news/media industry.  She made me realize how important it is to foster another's dream, regardless if that dream comes to fruition or not.  She watered my hope.  And I still have the bamboo plant she gave me as a gift from one of the market vendors- it survived almost 6 moves in different cities, and is a tangible reminder of how our souls can flourish wherever there is love and sunshine.

After that, I headed to Oceanside to spend some quality time with Erica, who has equally been a tangible reminder of all things good, and who has helped my soul flourish in the sunny days and in the cloudy rainy days. 

The view from our "bar" area outside.
These suckers were HUGE!
I probably exceeded my RDI (Recommended Daily Intake, for all you non-dietitans) by 2000%

 The world needs more Sherrys and Ericas.  I am lucky and grateful to know them both.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Lessons from a Sunset

When I rolled into the parking lot near UC Cyclery in La Jolla, I honestly was expecting a handful of riders, similar to the amount you'd normally get for a Saturday bike shop ride.  As I was pumping up my tires and prepping my bike, I was looking around at the fit cyclists in their race kits and kick a$$$$$ bikes.  I honestly felt more nervous this morning than I have felt before any races I've done all year!

Ummm...so like, where are all the girls at?
UC Cyclery was a great host shop and provided the riders with hydration and bananas pre-ride.
Too bad I can't stand bananas.  :(

There were 6 separate rides based on ability.  I was the newbie in town and didn't want to break any "rules" of the rotating double pacelines, so I stuck to the more conservative group.  I was glad I did.  There were probably only 3 times during the entire ride that my heartrate crept out of zone 2, but I had a blast enjoying this beautiful city via bike, making new friends, and learning the lingo of the paceline.  Words like "clear" and "last" and stuff like that....stuff that you will never ever hear or say in a real paceline.  This was a new riding routine to me- I'm used to the "every man for himself" mindset.  We rode much faster and more efficiently when we all worked together as a team.  You know, chalk up another important lesson that can apply to life.  I should write a book.

There were two riders who were also closet hammerheads like myself, so on the parts where there was a sprint to the top, it was the 3 of us who took off like balls shot out of a cannon.  We became friends instantly and ended up sticking together for the ride home.

For all of my non-cyclist girlfriends.  Here is pictorial proof that not just F.O.G.'s (Fat Old Guys) ride bikes.
You're welcome.

After the ride, I headed out to UCSD's Canyonview Pool to see where all my tuition money went.  Surprise, surprise... the long course pool that my dollars funded was closed, but I still happily sold my road bike along with my Garmin 910XT to afford a one-day day pass to the regular 25-meter lane pool.  

This is where I used to de-stress in college.  Love.this.pool.

Digital paceclocks!  So now there is digital proof when I miss my interval!
No trip to San Diego is complete without visiting the cliffs.  There were some Asian college students there watching the sunset too; it reminded me of my younger self.  The cliffs, the ocean lapping underneath you, the tiny silhouettes of the surfers, and the sunset- some beautiful things never change.  I thought about how much has happened to me in my life during these past 10 years.  All the lessons, the trials, the joys, the accomplishments, and the hope that the future holds.

Made it just in time...
Watching the sunset was a visual reminder that there is an appropriate time to allow things and circumstances to "set"-  to gradually remove themselves and their presence from our lives.  True, there was a time when their rays burned strong on our skin and provided light to us.  But just like the sun, those things needs to set in order for life to continue and progress.  And if we allow it, there can be exquisite beauty in that fading away, in that goodbye.

As I watched the sun disappear behind the clouds, I was also reminded of all the things that never fade.  And even after 10 years, these things remain unconditional, steadfast, and hopeful. 

Friday, August 10, 2012

9.5 is the new 6.5

It's been awhile since I've done this drive.  Once it took me only 6.5 hours from the Bay Area to San Diego.  Today it took 9.5 hours.  I also drive like a grandma when I have my bike on my roofrack.  Like even slower than the grandpas on the road.  I just wave at them while all the other cars swerve angrily around us.  I just need to wear dark wrap-around shades and sit lower in my seat so that I match the grandpas.

It's hard for me to sit still for 10 minutes.  I'd rather lead group therapy sessions for the Kardashians than sit in a car for more than an hour, so I did myself a favor and did a sanity swim set of 4100 yards this morning before I hit the road.  The benefit of driving was that I could load up my entire car with all of my stuff.  I don't see how people with kids do it. 

Quick suit review: the 2-piece Betty Designs suit is no joke.  This suit is functional!  After falling in love with her cute cycling kits, I wanted to try her swimsuits.  I've swam in 2-piece TYR and Nike suits, and across the board, I had issues with all of them because the bottoms would loosen up and slow me down!  Not with BD suits- the bottoms are fitted and stay put, so you don't have to worry about mooning the guy in the lane next to you when you do a flip turn.  Good quality, and you honestly swim faster with a butterfly on your crotch!  Worth the money.

Ms. Multi-tasking. Drying the suit on the dash. Free advertising for Betty Designs.
Truckers can't wait to order their speedos now!
Wearing my Betty Designs cycling kit. (From Tierra Bella Century)

Tomorrow morning I'm gonna hop onto the SDBC Saturday group ride and see how long I can hang with the big boys.  I printed out route directions as back-up, because in reality, I'll probably get dropped in the parking lot since they average high 20s, low 30 mphs?  Should be interesting.  

San Diego holds a lot of memories from my college years and beyond.  This weekend I'm hoping to rekindle all that I've loved about this city, visit with some old friends, and have a decent amount of swimbikerun thrown in there for good measure.  Life is pretty amazing with all of its twists and turns, but when it brings you back to places with amazing sun and ocean water, it must be pretty darn good after all.