Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Orchestra of Silence.

Last Thursday, my friend and I hiked up Mission Peak.  We started early when it was quiet, and while traversing the upward slopes to the top, we would often stop, pause, and observe the view.  It was nice to be far from all the noise, and even the faint sounds of traffic were barely audible.   We cherished these moments of serenity, which so often become rare treasures in today's hustle and bustle.

Grateful to witness this beautiful sunrise...
After awhile, especially on our descent, many more hikers joined us on the trail.  Most of them looked like they were in high school or college, and their incessant chatter and loud music played from their iphones was a stark contrast to the quiet we had cherished earlier.  A part of me was disappointed that this younger generation was so dependent on their music for entertainment, even in nature.  

Made it to the top!
(and mad props to the person who dragged the xmas tree up to the peak!)
This experience kick-started my desire to run without my ipod recently.  I was on a quest to just soak in the sounds of nature, without distraction.  When you start to pay closer attention to the so-called silence, you can actually hear so much more- the subtle wind, quacking ducks, guns in the distance from the firing range, trickling water, your breath

...and this is a reminder that you are alive.

For Christmas, PK gave me "The Gift" by Hafiz, and it has proven to be one of my favorite gifts...filled with inspiring and beautiful words.

One of my favorites which has served to be the theme of my runs this week-

"Stay close to any sounds that make you glad you are alive." -Hafiz

Gentle trickling streams of water...
Cooling down to a cotton candy sunset and the sounds of the gentle wind...

True to my introverted nature, these moments of quiet have been the most rejuvenating and restorative, and I am craving them even more now with the loud and hectic nature of the work place.

...or a quiet trail...

Silent retreat, anyone?

1 comment:

  1. ~ Silence ~

    A day of Silence
    Can be a pilgrimage in itself.
    A day of Silence
    Can help you listen
    To the Soul play
    In marvelous lute and drum.
    Is not most talking
    A crazed defense of a crumbling fort?
    I thought we came here
    To surrender in Silence,
    To yield to Light and Happiness,
    To Dance within
    In celebration of Love's Victory!

    ~ Hafiz ~

    This reminded me of your post - PK
