"The soul is healed by being with children." -Fyodor Dostoevsky
I ran across this quote yesterday and loved it. How true. My niece just learned how to play checkers and watching her play was interesting. She never double-guessed herself or made futuristic moves- "Well, if I move here, than she can move there, and then I'll lose my checker piece." She just moved her piece (sometimes she illegally moved her checker piece, but I'll let my sister deal with that later). Life for a 6 year-old is simple. Don't overthink things. Just make your move and then deal with things as they come. Celebrate your wins. Be a good sport even if you lose a checker piece.
Even her jokes were awesome-
Q: "What do you get when a turtle and a porcupine cross the road?"
A: A slowpoke!
I think children possess a beautiful innocence, carefree attitude, and sense of wonder that is refreshing to be around. Life doesn't always have to be so hard. Rest. Relax. Go to swim practice. Take naps. Draw pictures with crayons. Tell jokes. Laugh.
The next few days I'm hopping on this bandwagon and I know that my soul (and foot) will be healed. Can't wait to play checkers again on Wednesday...