Sunday, August 24, 2014

Finding My Trail...

"If the path before you is clear, you're probably on someone else's." 
-Joseph Campbell

I love how life provides you with the tools and the people you need at the exact moment when you need them.  This past year, I feel like I'm finally emerging from the "thrash."  What's the "thrash?" It's that place/process where your creativity and gifts and passions are swirling around without a true direction.

I remember when I met my Ironman coach, Marv.  There was something in our meeting that was serendipitous; we both rarely did the Cyclepath group rides, but somehow we ended up chatting on that ride and exchanging information.  I liked his energy, I couldn't put my finger on exactly what it was, but my friendships with him and his wife Jo were transformational to who I am today.  Together, under their coaching and guidance, I was able to miraculously cross that Ironman finish line.

I love good stories.  An entrepreneur once said, "You can't sell your product without telling your story.  Once you tell your story, people can trust you."  I am obsessed with people's stories of how they stopped conforming to the framework of what society deemed was correct for them, and instead, found their own path, their own trail.  Stories like those of Lissa Rankin, Danielle LaPorte, Leo Babauta...

What if we took up this model and stripped away the concrete layers and stories we've told ourselves and instead embraced and stepped into the unknown?  

Last week I had the pleasure of meeting someone whose entire business is built around this concept- to find your trail.  There is something innately beautiful about connecting to ourselves in nature, and through that, unlocking who we really are.  I love meeting people who get me thinking deeper and inspire me to extend my gifts and passions to serve more people.  

My version of happy hour(s)
Finding your own trail can often be uncertain and muddy, but it's always more fun and adventurous with a like-minded guide.  Sometimes not having a map and trusting your own intuition is the best part.  I'm pretty excited to see what the future holds- and I know that wherever my feet take me will be worthwhile and breathtaking.